Friday, October 30, 2009

Islam is an Arabic word which mean peace, submission and obedience. It also means acceptance and commitment to abide by the teachings and guidance of God. One of the beautiful names of God is As-Salaam (The Peace). Islam also means to be at peace with God and His creatures. Being at peace with God implies complete submission to His will, who is the source of all purity and goodness. Being at peace with His creatures implies living in peace within one's self, with other people and with the environment. Thus, Islam is the total system of living in peace. Islam is same message and guidance which God revealed through all His prophets to every people throughout the history of mankind. One who follows Islam is called a Muslim (an Arabic word which means, the one who submits to the will of God).

No! It is the same religion which was preached by all the prophets and is further elaborated throughout the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. God ordered him:
"Say: We believe in Allah and in that which was revealed to us, and in that which was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes and in that which was given to the Moses and Jesus and to other prophets from their God; we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we are Muslims". Al-Qur'an 3:84
The religion of Islam is as old as humanity itself. It was in fact the region of every prophet of God, who appears in any part of the world. According to the Qur'an, Islam was the religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them all. However, it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in its comprehensive, complete and final form.

The major characteristic of Islam is that through believing in all the Prophets and God's message revealed to each of them; it lays down the basis of peace and harmony among the people of the world.
The great mission of Islam is not only to preach the above-mentioned truth, but also to correct those errors which had crept into the prevailing religions. Most important of all, Islam gathers in one book all those truths which are contained in earlier Divine revelations granted to previous Prophets for the guidance of the mankind, and to meet all the spiritual and moral requirements of an ever-advancing humanity.
Muslims are encouraged to cooperate with all those who are faithful and God-concious people, namely those who received scriptures (Torah, Psalms and Gospel) through His Prophets. Christians and Jews are called the "People of the Book", and their Prophets and Scriptures are honored by the Muslims.

Islam teaches that diversity among human beings is a sign of God's mercy and no one has superiority based on one's color, language or nationality.
Islam promotes the brotherhood of man, toleration of one another, sympathy for the unfortunate and cooperation for general human happiness. If there is any one religion in the world which has strove to eliminate racism, it is Islam. There is no distinction between men on account of mere birth in a particular family, particular profession, particular race or particular country, and all human beings are equal. God created people of different colors, nationalities, languages and ethnic origins so that we may recognize one another.
In Islam, superiority is based on the love and fear of God, doing good deeds, and maintaining high moral and spiritual qualities. In many respects Islam has regulated the relationships between men regardless of creeds, races or colors. One of the aims of Islam is to emphasize the oneness of humanity as a whole and also the Oneness of the Creator of mankind and of all beings. Islam pronounces loudly, clearly, and with great emphasis that all people are, by nature, equal in all respects and that no one is better or superior to anyone else except through piety.

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